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This site highlights various games I've made over the past 20 years. Most are free to play.
More recently, I work towards developing 'Demake' (where a game is remade on an older system than originally intended) or 'Remake' games (where the opposite happens) for old video game consoles, from the Magnavox Odyssey to the Amstrad GX4000.
Other games is based on BYOND.com where I spent many years developing site favourites like Grand Strategy multiplayer game Wargames , Fast paced Board games such as Exploder and my initial fangame of the Shining series: Dream Shining Character
You can support me on Patreon here, the $5 tier gets you access to all my premium features on BYOND games - the $10 will also get you some other bonus features - check it out!
There is also my Discord Channel, but you need to pledge on Patreon to get posting rights.
You can also purchase Twitch Subscriptions and get the equivalent ranks, send me a message to get these features activated!
Games are now available also on https://mikebloke.itch.io/