Bucket Filler
Unreleased Magnavox Odyssey Game now available on the Fairchild Channel F

First Released: December 11th 2021
Bucket Filler is a port of an unreleased game from the Magnavox Odyssey. Originally the Odyssey had planned to have limited amounts of colour - a little like what the Channel F ended up achieving. One of the games that was planned and ultimately dropped when the Odyssey was decided to release in black and white with overlays instead - was a bucket filling game. The idea is that two players pressed their buttons to fill the screen with their colour, and this was turned into a bucket filling concept of filling a bucket or emptying a bucket depending on which player you were.
This simulates my understanding of how the game was intended to work, however I'm basing this on 3rd hand information of what was ultimately a game never released. Apparently this has been on display before, but this is a situation where even the internet does not have a great deal of information about it.
Push the button down to fill your colour into the screen. Keep pressing it down until it fills the screen. Press console button 4 to reset.
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