A game inspired by Shark Jaws, an Atari Arcade game for the Fairchild Channel F
First Released: December 14th 2021
Last Updated: August 26th 2022
While inspired by Shark Jaws, an Atari Arcade game that tried to get official rights to tie in with the Jaws movie, this game is not an attempt to emulate it completely. Complete with a highscore record keeping that is shown at the game over screen, and with a title screen as well - this is the first 'complete' game I've created on my own without asking for help for the Channel F. This means its quite the achievement for me!
You play as the human character catching fish, while a shark attempts to eat you. Getting a fish scores you a point, the shark moves faster as you gain more points.
The latest (4th) version includes new beep sounds, a fixed highscore feature and less flickering.
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